Circuncelion – Song Of Ophelia, song included in Carved In Waters, romantic and esoteric.
Recorded in December 2009 At Lighthouse Studios By Igor & Romina
Produced by Igor.
Stagnant waters
Your eyelids lay
wardens of the endless rest
where the wounded swan
plays to be swan
and the toads swell up their chests
and the moon as
lone as always
make’s out her ghastly shades
of her ancient
pale face broken
for a million black decades
before the watchful
of night beasts which accompanies
the liquid dance of all these dreams
you have stood still
for many years
timeless slumber
whence you wait in secrecy
for the soul whose set alight
your (cold) paralysed swim(s)
(your) wan skin melts away
(your) lank black hair afloat
nothingness is silence
which quietened all your groans
where your heart was strangled
where black angel won
(the scythe’s shade)
from Carved In Waters