• GH Records

    New World Order – Post – Industrial Spanish Compilation

    Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH108 CD
    Format: CD, Compilation, + Vídeo Extra
    Country: Spain
    Released: 02 Feb 2011
    Genre: Electronic
    Style: Neofolk, Electro, Power Electronics, Noise, Industrial

    Bands :Uanamani, Erg, N-URSS, Mynationshit, The Wyrm, Verbum, Moloch 11811,
    Jazznoize ,Gradual Hate, Stillme, Oscuridad Macabra, Stahlfabrik, Transmissions
    From The Crypt + Video by Errorvision

    Essential compilation to understand the Post- Industrial Spanish scene

    Video by Error Vision

    Buy: 10 € https://gradualhaterecords.bandcamp.com/album/new-world-order-post-industrial-spanish-compilation

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    New World Order “Post – Industrial Spanish Compilation” by GH Records

  • GH Records

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails
    Label: GH Records GH 126 CD
    Format: CD, Compilation
    Country: Spain
    Released: 2015
    Style: Dark Ambient, Industrial, Neoclassic, Neo Folk, Dark Wave

    / / / SOLD OUT / / /

    Buy Digital Download → THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails | GH Records (bandcamp.com)

    The sacred texts indicate that during Jesus’ crucifixion his blood was collected in a cup by Joseph of Arimathea. After being released from prison, he took the chalice to a mysterious place, a mythical island where it was built the first castle and was created the order of The protectors of the Holy Grail.

    Is this just a myth or a metaphysics truth? The search of the Graal existed and exists in the present time; from Asia to America, and there are many who say they have it in churches or museums. A grail. Thousand grails.
    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails – delves into the myths around the sacred chalice: since its creation from a detached emerald gem of Lucifer, to the extravagant court of King Arthur, passing by the enigmatic Argentinean Patagonia, where there would be buried next to the body of the Knight Parsifal.
    Old enigmas. Contemporary enigmas. All are looking for the Holy Grail, the magic object that can immortalize the body and soul of the one who has it.

    Track list:

    CIRCUNCELION – Sangrial
    ERG – Sacro catino
    PERSONA – Phoenix graal
    THE WYRM – El pecado esculpido
    KAZERIA – Arcturus , king of Arktos
    OUROBOROS – Sanctun gradalis
    HYPERBOREI – March and glory
    TURNAVEL – Li reis pescheors
    STILLME – Carne de olivo
    DARK AWAKE – Le conte du graal
    KRASCHAU – La crocifissione
    IGNIIS – Varitumi erks nagua

  • CD,  GH Records

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails
    Label: GH Records GH 126 CD
    Format: CD, Compilation
    Country: Spain
    Released: 2015
    Style: Dark Ambient, Industrial, Neoclassic, Neo Folk, Dark Wave

    / / / SOLD OUT / / /

    Buy Digital Download → THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails | GH Records (bandcamp.com)

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails – ahonda en los mitos alrededor del Cáliz Sagrado: desde su creación a partir de una gema esmeralda desprendida de Lucifer, hasta la extravagante Corte del Rey Arturo, pasando por la enigmática Patagonia Argentina, donde se hallaría enterrado junto al cuerpo del Caballero Parsifal.
    Enigmas antiguos. Enigmas contemporáneos. Todos buscan y desean el Santo Grial, objeto que permite la inmortalidad del cuerpo y la salvación del alma.

    Un cáliz. Mil rostros. Mil aventuras. Mil perdiciones.

    Los textos sagrados indican que, a partir de la crucifixión de Jesús, su sangre fue recogida en una copa por José de Arimatea, su primer protector. Este, después de ser apresado, llevó el cáliz hacia un sitio misterioso, una isla mítica donde se irguió el primer castillo y se instauró la orden de Protectores del Santo Cáliz.
    ¿Leyenda ó realidad metafísica? La búsqueda del Graal existió y existe en la actualidad; desde Asia hasta América, y son muchos los que atestiguan poseerlo en iglesias o museos. Un grial, mil griales.

    Que es el Grial si no un Mito. Los mitos forman parte del sistema de creencias de una cultura o de una comunidad, la cual los considera historias verdaderas. Al conjunto de los mitos de una cultura se le denomina mitología. Cuanto mayor número de mitos y mayor complejidad tiene una mitología, mayor es el desarrollo de las creencias de una comunidad. La mitología sustenta la cosmovisión de un pueblo…

    Track list:

    CIRCUNCELION – Sangrial
    ERG – Sacro catino
    PERSONA – Phoenix graal
    THE WYRM – El pecado esculpido
    KAZERIA – Arcturus , king of Arktos
    OUROBOROS – Sanctun gradalis
    HYPERBOREI – March and glory
    TURNAVEL – Li reis pescheors
    STILLME – Carne de olivo
    DARK AWAKE – Le conte du graal
    KRASCHAU – La crocifissione
    IGNIIS – Varitumi erks nagua

  • GH Records

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails

    The sacred texts indicate that during Jesus’ crucifixion his blood was collected in a cup by Joseph of Arimathea. After being released from prison, he took the chalice to a mysterious place, a mythical island where it was built the first castle and was created the order of The protectors of the Holy Grail.

    Is this just a myth or a metaphysics truth? The search of the Graal existed and exists in the present time; from Asia to America, and there are many who say they have it in churches or museums. A grail. Thousand grails.

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails – delves into the myths around the sacred chalice: since its creation from a detached emerald gem of Lucifer, to the extravagant court of King Arthur, passing by the enigmatic Argentinean Patagonia, where there would be buried next to the body of the Knight Parsifal.

    Old enigmas. Contemporary enigmas. All are looking for the Holy Grail, the magic object that can immortalize the body and soul of the one who has it

    Track list:

    CIRCUNCELION – Sangrial
    ERG – Sacro catino
    PERSONA – Phoenix graal
    THE WYRM – El pecado esculpido
    KAZERIA – Arcturus , king of Arktos
    OUROBOROS – Sanctun gradalis
    HYPERBOREI – March and glory
    TURNAVEL – Li reis pescheors
    STILLME – Carne de olivo
    DARK AWAKE – Le conte du graal
    KRASCHAU – La crocifissione
    IGNIIS – Varitumi erks nagua

  • GH Records

    Erg y Hulduefni se unen en este trabajo para relatar el viaje que llevó a la vieja Lusitania a salir al mundo de la historia. Acontecimientos extraordinarios como “Os Descobrimentos” de las navegaciones portuguesas del siglo XV, las guerras de Viriato contra Roma en la antigüedad o las apariciones de la Virgen de Fátima más actualmente son reflejados en los ambientes de las canciones.

    In this work Erg and Hulduefni join forces to relate the journey that led the old Lusitania out into the world of history. Extraordinary events like “Os Descobrimentos”of the portuguese navigations of the fifteenth century, the wars of Viriathus against romans in ancient times, or the apparitions of Fatima at the present are reflected in the sounds of the songs.

    Erg & Hulduefni – Dark Forces Coming Out Of Lusitania
    El Lobo y la Espada – L.E.07 CD
    GH Records
    DArk Ambient Experimental
    Soon in GH Records

