• GH Records

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails

    The sacred texts indicate that during Jesus’ crucifixion his blood was collected in a cup by Joseph of Arimathea. After being released from prison, he took the chalice to a mysterious place, a mythical island where it was built the first castle and was created the order of The protectors of the Holy Grail.

    Is this just a myth or a metaphysics truth? The search of the Graal existed and exists in the present time; from Asia to America, and there are many who say they have it in churches or museums. A grail. Thousand grails.

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails – delves into the myths around the sacred chalice: since its creation from a detached emerald gem of Lucifer, to the extravagant court of King Arthur, passing by the enigmatic Argentinean Patagonia, where there would be buried next to the body of the Knight Parsifal.

    Old enigmas. Contemporary enigmas. All are looking for the Holy Grail, the magic object that can immortalize the body and soul of the one who has it

    Track list:

    CIRCUNCELION – Sangrial
    ERG – Sacro catino
    PERSONA – Phoenix graal
    THE WYRM – El pecado esculpido
    KAZERIA – Arcturus , king of Arktos
    OUROBOROS – Sanctun gradalis
    HYPERBOREI – March and glory
    TURNAVEL – Li reis pescheors
    STILLME – Carne de olivo
    DARK AWAKE – Le conte du graal
    KRASCHAU – La crocifissione
    IGNIIS – Varitumi erks nagua

  • GH Records

    (vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfd2vZyJI-8)

    Turnavel es un proyecto nacido en 2003, tras unos años de existencia latente en los que su fundador participó en bandas de orientaciones diversas. Desarrolla un amplio abanico de paisajes sonoros predominantemente neoclásicos que en ocasiones se inspiran en otros medios, como el cine, la pintura o la literatura, normalmente relacionados con temáticas oníricas o simbólicas y dirigidos a la imaginación del oyente.
