• CD,  GH Records

    Barbarossa Umtrunk»Devchirmé : Le tribut du Sang»

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Devchirmé : Le Tribut Du Sang
    Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH 155 CD
    Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition, Digipack
    Country: Spain
    Released: Feb 15, 2023
    Style: Industrial, Military, Neofolk

    Limited to 100 copies

    After 4 years of Silence, BARBAROSSA UMTRUNK is back with à New full lenght album

    «Devchirmé : Le tribut du Sang» takes inspiration and pays homage to Janissaries Ottomans troopers, these elite warriors from the balkans trained for war since childhood. Janissaries were connected to Bektashi Sufi Order which were the inheritors of Persian & Arabian Spiritual Chivalry called Futuwah with rites close to Free Masonry and a secret heretic gnosis belief with Shia roots (Twelve Imams Gnostic faith of the Iranians) but also old Tengriism paganism/Turkish Shamanic heritage. Bektashism was also connected with tradition of asiatics bards and trobadors called Ashoks and Alevis heretic community from Anatolia. Historically Janissaries elitist troops were the first to make Martial Orchestral’s battlefield inspired Music. This new album of Barbarossa Umtrunk deserve an hymn dedicated to them with 72 minutes of Balkanik/Turkish Ottoman Martial and ritual music based upon Janissaries elitist troopers from the past, spiritual chivalry (Futuwah), Albania, Shia Gnosis, Alevi/Qilzibah gnostic sects and Anatolian Sufism with mystical lyrics & quotes taken from writes of Alain Santacreu, Rumi, Hadji Bektash Veli, Rudolf Von Sebottendorf and many others declaimed in french language with the well known specific style of Barbarossa Umtrunk. The compositions make by Baron Vonstein with guests T S I D M Z -ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit- Dolorism, Gregorio Bardiniand Sven Phalanx are sometime close to old Der Blutharsch, Karjallan Sissit, T S I D M Z -ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit- or Rukkanor with some oriental/east european influences and vibes who deserves ritual orchestral apocalyptic climates, martial hymns, atmospheric and military pop and even Dungeon Synths , Neo-Classical or Sufis and Tribal influences from the East.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk feat. T S I D M Z -ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit-
    Avataras in Eurasia & «Devchirmé : Le tribut du Sang»

    Pyrography wooden box, double CD + postcards, exclusive edition


    01 Barbarossa Umtrunk – Yenitcheri EisernFaust (TSIDMZ & Poison Creeper ritual mix)
    02 Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Saoshyant’s Inthronisation Act II
    03 Barbarossa Umtrunk – Septimia Bathzabbai Zénobie
    04 Barbarossa Umtrunk – Yeni Cheri Eisernfaust
    05 Barbarossa Umtrunk – L’Aigle Sacré du Caucase
    06 Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Für Darya
    07 Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Sayful Islam Act II
    08 Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Avatara in Eurasia
    09 Barbarossa Umtrunk – Make Balkans Great Again

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Yenitcheri EisernFaust (TSIDMZ & Poison Creeper ritual mix)
    Firstly released in Barbarossa Umtrunk «Der Talisman des Rosenkreuzers : La Mission secrète du Baron Sebottendorf» (UFA Muzak, 2012)
    French Voice by Baron Von S. from Rudolf Von Sebottendorf’s words
    Music, Composition and Mix by Baron Von S. and Sol. M.
    Female Voice by Poison Creeper.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Saoshyant’s Inthronisation Act II
    French Voice taken from Henry Corbin «La Philosophie Islamique»
    Composition, Samples and Instrumental by Baron Von S.
    First Version was part of Barbarossa Umtrunk «Regnum Sanctum» (SkullLine, 2008)
    Italian Voice, Rhythmics and Mix by Sol. M. (T.S.I.D.M.Z.)
    Lyrics freely adapted from «Il Re del Mondo» by René Guénon.
    Il regno di Agarttha imprendibile, inaccessibile, divenuto sotterraneo più di seimila anni fa, data dell’inizio del Kali Yuga o età nera, l’Età del Ferro degli antichi Occidentali, l’ultimo dei quattro periodi nei quali si divide il Manvantara; la sua ricomparsa deve coincidere con la fine di tale periodo. (x2)
    La sua ricomparsa deve coincidere con la fine di tale periodo.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Septimia Bathzabbai Zénobie
    Music, Composition and Vocals by Baron Von.S. Released at Bunker Alamut, Summer 2022.
    Lyrics by Hejer «Agar» K. (taken from his poem «Zénobie»).
    De son vrai nom araméen, Bathzabbai, reine Arabe à Palmyre, l’épouse d’Odenat
    S’autoproclame impératrice, elle, qui, sans peine,
    Nomme empereur de Rome son fils Wahballat.
    Cléopâtre du Levant, son pouvoir s’étend De l’Égypte à l’Anatolie, ébranlant Rome.
    Régente à l’Est, dotée de la beauté d’Orient,
    Elle est l’amazone dirigeant une armée d’hommes.
    Certes, Augusta érige en cité florissante L’oasis palmyrène, qui se voit saccagée Par l’empereur Aurélien.
    Captive, Septimia Connaît une fin obscure et controversée.
    Depuis des lustres, sa virilité virginale
    En fait des patriotes syriens l’égérie.
    Al Zabba subjugue par son aura martiale
    Et sa chasteté, inspirant de grands génies.
    Hejer K.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Yeni Cheri Eisernfaust
    Firstly released in Barbarossa Umtrunk «Der Talisman des Rosenkreuzers : La Mission secrète du Baron Sebottendorf» (UFA Muzak)
    Lyrics declaimed in french are partially a Janissarie prayer & hymn to Bektashism.

    Allah Allah illallah.

    We are blameless.
    We have our hearts afire.

    Our devoting to the Sultan is revealed.

    the Three, the Seven, the Forty, the Light of the Prophet

    Muhammed, the Beneficence of Ali, our Pir the head sultan Haji Bektash Veli,

    let’s say Hu for all of them, Huuuu.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – L’Aigle Sacré du Caucase
    Music, Samples, Composition & Vocals : Baron Von S. Released at Bunker Alamut, Summer 2022.
    Lyrics : Hejer «K» Agar ( taken from his Poem «Aigle Sacré de la Oumma»)
    Aigle du Caucase, Shamil El Daghestani,
    Le sheikh Naqshbandi, fut un héros et un ascète Soufi.
    Il représente la chevalerie Initiatique, dans sa plus grande pureté.
    Des savants le surnomment «sixième calife»
    Tant il porta au pinacle la sainteté
    Et l’héroïsme islamique, lui, leader rétif
    À toute mollesse et mujahid sanctifié.
    Dès sa tendre enfance, pétri de science et de foi,
    Il garda les troupeaux de moutons familiaux,
    En son village. Garçon chétif, il fut la proie
    De jaloux, le battant et blessant au couteau.
    Dès lors, il se métamorphosa en guerrier Montagnard incomparable.
    Promu grand savant
    Et guide soufi, il rejoint la lutte armée,
    Après son haj, élu suprême combattant.
    Là où Napoléon, face aux Russes, échoua,
    Il devint leur plus redoutable résistant,
    Fédérant les clans caucasiens, par la Sharia.
    Cette guerre des mourids dura vingt-cinq ans.
    Shamil Effendi et ses vaillants kshatrias,
    Si érudits et spirituels, fondèrent Leur théocratie.
    Versés dans la guérilla,
    Ils humilièrent la Russie tsariste, si fière.
    Chef d’État révolutionnaire, il gouverna
    Son gazanat avec sagesse et charité.
    Mécène des sages, il créa des madrassas.
    Charmés, moult chrétiens rejoignirent son armée.
    Féru de l’amour conjugal le plus sacré,
    Il irradie le modèle muhammadien.
    Trahi par ses proches, astreint au traité de paix,
    Le tsar l’assigne à résidence, avec les siens.
    Ami de l’Emir Abdel Kader, on l’accueille
    En grande pompe, où qu’il aille.
    Faiseur de prodiges,
    Il est encensé par les Ottomans.
    Au seuil De Médine, on l’inhume à Baqi, saint cénacle.
    Hejer K.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Für Darya
    Music, Composition and Mix by Baron Von S. and Sol. M. Voices by: Baron Von S., Sol. M., Darya Platonova Dugina, Hejer «Agar» Ketoura. French Lyrics by Hejer «Agar» Ketoura.
    À Daria Platonova, notre Hypatie

    Chère Daria, que la terre te soit légère.
    Rose blanche, tu incarnais l’âme de la Grande
    Russie, lys pur ensanglanté par une bande
    De malfrats, t’ayant diffamée, avec ton père.

    Pétrie des beaux préceptes de ton géniteur,
    Éclairée par la Tradition, tu appliquais
    Ses enseignements. C’est, à présent, sous le dais
    Du Ciel que tu reposes, avant l’ultime Heure.

    Telle Hypatie, ton égérie spirituelle,
    Tu fus nimbée du noble ésotérisme antique,
    Versée dans le néo-platonisme : de Jamblique
    À Plotin, toi qui fus docte, noble autant que belle.

    Spécialiste en relations internationales,
    Journaliste hors-pair, politologue, militante
    Eurasiste et philosophe, tu prônais l’entente
    Sacrée des fidèles contre l’axe du mal.

    Mélomane et dotée de sensibilité
    Artistique, ayant baigné dans le mysticisme
    Orthodoxe, tu fus le pont entre Christianisme
    Et Islam, face au libéralisme enragé.

    La douleur et la force de ton valeureux
    Alexandre nous a bouleversés. N’aie crainte :
    Ton martyr pour le vrai et le bien sera l’enceinte
    Qui verra vaincre tous les chevaliers de Dieu. 

    Barbarossa Umtrunk and T.S.I.D.M.Z. – Sayful Islam Act II
    Composition, Samples and Instrumental by Baron Von S.
    First Version was part of Barbarossa Umtrunk «Regnum Sanctum» (SkullLine, 2008)
    Italian Voice, Rhythmics, Synth-Guitars and Mix by Sol. M. (T.S.I.D.M.Z.)
    Lyrics freely adapted from Linga-purana.
    Verso la fine dell’Età oscura i ladri deruberanno i ladri. Gli uomini perbene si ritireranno dalla politica. Nessuno vivrà la durata normale della vita. I riti decadranno nelle mani di uomini senza virtù. Gli uomini si uccideranno l’un l’altro e uccideranno i bambini e le donne. Solo i beni conferiranno il rango. Solo movente della devozione sarà la salute fisica. Solo legame tra i sessi sarà il piacere. Sola via di successo la falsità. I meriti ottenuti in un anno nel Treta yuga potranno essere ottenuti in un mese nel Dvapara, in un giorno nel Kali yuga.

    T.S.I.D.M.Z. & Barbarossa Umtrunk – Avatara In Eurasia (Yeni Ceri Mix)
    Taken from: TSIDMZ – Pax Deorum Hominumque (Old Europa Cafe, 2012)
    and from: T.S.I.D.M.Z. & Barbarossa Umtrunk – Barbarossa In Der MaschinenZeit (ThuleSehnsucht Production, 2022)
    Music, Composition and Mix by Baron Von S and Sol. M. (Tetsuo aka Uomo D’Acciaio) Spoken words sample taken from the film: The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, directed by Luc Besson, 1999.

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Make Balkans Great Again !!!
    Music, Composition and Vocals by Baron Von.S. Released at Bunker Alamut, September 2022.

    Formed in 2005 as duo of Baron Von S and Ra Kha. Months later the project was joined by G.C. (Gabriel C) and later by Maya M. as well and became a 4-piece. With this lineup Barbarossa Umtrunk recorded «Scontrum Act V» (2005) split. Then, after the departure of Ra Kha in Autumn 2007, the band reborn from its ashes as a duo composed of G.C. and Baron Von S. Then in September 2009, G.C left the band keeping to make music under his solo project called «Effets Secondaires», and Barbarossa Umtrunk became a solo project of Baron Von S (also assisted by his bride Countesse Von S).

  • GH Records

    Barbarossa Umtrunk ‎– Tagebuch eines Krieges (2005-2015)

    Label: SkullLine ‎– SLCD031-15
    Format: CD, Compilation, Limited Edition, Numbered, BEST OF
    Country: Germany
    Released: 08 Mar 2016
    Style: Marches, Dark Ambient, Industri

    BEST OF: Compilation CD 73 minutes in nice jewel case with 4 page bookled, clear tray, limited.

    Fantastic dark ambient – traditional martial music by (Baron von S) from france in the way to LJDLP.
    all tracks new re-mastered and with fantastic atmosphere 🙂

    01. Kyffhäuser
    02. Le Pays Perdu feat. – Marc-Louis Questin
    03. Eldritch Germania
    04. Aryana Vaejo
    05. Gwer Nemeton feat. – Marc-Louis Questin, Schattenspiel
    06. Winter’s Reign
    07. Vive Le Quebec Libre! feat. – Schattenspiel
    08. A la Gloire Du Sacré feat. – Vir Martialis
    09. Ungern Khan Le Cavalier Du Vril feat. – TSIDMZ
    10. Le Centre Supreme feat. – Schattenspiel
    11. The Fourth Political Theory feat. – Alexsandr Duguin, TSIDMZ

    Genre: boombastic martial, dark ambient, post-industrial, post-atomic music
    Like: Les Joyaux De La Princesse, Karjalan Sissit, Das Brandopfer, Legionarii, Turbund Sturmwerk

    Buy: 13 € http://gh-records.com/1448-barbarossa-umtrunk-tagebuch-eines-krieges-2005-2015.html

    Payment methods:
    Pay by bankwire
    Pay whith cash on delivery (COD)

  • Distribution

    Barbarossa Umtrunk / Saturn Form Essence ‎– Airyanem Vaejah

    Barbarossa Umtrunk / Saturn Form Essence ‎– Airyanem Vaejah
    Label: SkullLine ‎– SLCDR191-16
    Format: CDr, Album, Limited Edition, Numbered, Reissue, Stereo
    Country: Germany
    Released: 08 Mar 2016
    Style: Industrial 

    01. Barbarossa Umtrunk – Melancolie (Le Revers Sanglant tribute)
    02. Barbarossa Umtrunk – Cimmérie ( Wrath of the Tyrant) Celtic Frost Cover 2015 edit
    03. Barbarossa Umtrunk – Green Thunderbolt
    04. Barbarossa Umtrunk – Kalachakra Tantra
    05. Barbarossa Umtrunk – Airyanem Vaejah
    06. Barbarossa Umtrunk – The Path to Shambhala 2015 edit
    07. Barbarossa Umtrunk – les immortels
    08. Saturn Form Essence – Structure 14-79-33
    09. Saturn Form Essence – Structure 11-93-18
    10. Saturn Form Essence – Structure 11-93-17
    Genre: boombastic martial, dark ambient, post-industrial, post-atomic music
    Like: Les Joyaux De La Princesse, Karjalan Sissit, Das Brandopfer, Legionarii, Turbund Sturmwerk