• GH Records


    Kraschau was built upon the ruins of Adam Berces’ prevous martial-neofolk project, Durch Heer und Kraft. The aim of this new project is to create quality, live sounding neoclassical/symphonic music with the strictness of martial rhythms and with the power of industrial sounds.


    Kraschau – Une Foi d’Acier
    Kraschau – Falanx
    Kraschau – Offenbarung
    Kraschau – Fide Lege Rege
    Kraschau – Ultrakonservativ Schlagerparade

    THE GRAAL – A tribute to the Holy Grails

  • CD,  GH Records


    Kraschau – Offenbarung
    Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH 114 CD
    Format: CD, Album
    Country: Argentina
    Released: 10 Feb 2012
    Style: Military, Industrial

    If you like bands as Triarii , Arditi , March of heroes etc….you are in the right way with Kraschau !!
    The debut album of Kraschau was inspired by the great empires and kingdoms of Europe, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Prussia and also 20th century christian and legitimist movements, eg. the Falange or the Carlists of the spanish civil war or Romania’s Legionary Movement.

    The lyrics are dealing with the themes of christian mysticism and the spirit of struggle – as opposed to the coward comfort of the modern world. The album features various guest musicians from the hungarian industrial and neofolk scene.

    Kraschau was built upon the ruins of Adam Berces’ prevous martial-neofolk project, Durch Heer und Kraft. The aim of this new project is to create high quality, live sounding neoclassical/symphonic music with the strictness of martial rhythms and with the power of industrial sounds. Adam was trained as a classical musician on trumpet and trombone, that’s why brass instruments has a big role in Kraschau’s music. It also incorporates various speeches, which are not too common in the martial-neofolk genres collected from documentary films and historical archives.

  • GH Records

    Ultrakonservativ Schlagerparade by Kraschau

    After long years of silence, KRASCHAU is here again with a special collection, released for the 10th anniversary of the debut album ’Offenbarung’ to give another, maybe a final attack against the post-modern world, which is heading towards a collapse in these troublesome times. To arm KRASCHAU’s music for a new battle, each of the carefully selected tracks has been remastered from the original, raw material by the project’s creator Adam Berces to refresh their sound and to get the most out of the project’s trademark sound. The harsh noise fundaments, distorted spoken word vocals overlaid with bombastic neoclassical melodies and a huge number of obscure historical and other samples reflecting to the project’s fascination for the Old Europe of the ancient merits and true pride and various christian, mystical and conservative movements of the 20th century which kept it’s flame alive.

    El Lobo y la Espada Series / L.E.13
    BUY → Ultrakonservativ Schlagerparade | Kraschau | GH Records (bandcamp.com)

    Újrarajzoljuk Európa térképét (Hungarian version)
    Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter (German version)
    Unser Glaubensbekenntnis
    Egység és Rend
    Drang nach Osten
    A kereszt alatt (Помилуй мя грешнаго)
    In tenebras exteriores (edit)
    The last days of democracy (from Falanx parts 3 & 4)
    ¡Viva Cristo Rey! (edit)

  • GH Records

    Ultrakonservativ Schlagerparade by Kraschau

    Kraschau – Ultrakonservativ schlagerparade
    El Lobo y la Espada Series / L.E.13

    1. Újrarajzoljuk Európa térképét (Hungarian version)
    2. Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter (German version)
    3. Unser Glaubensbekenntnis
    4. Egység és Rend
    5. Drang nach Osten
    6. A kereszt alatt (Помилуй мя грешнаго)
    7. In tenebras exteriores (edit)
    8. The last days of democracy (from Falanx parts 3 & 4)
    9. ¡Viva Cristo Rey! (edit)

    BUY → Ultrakonservativ Schlagerparade | Kraschau | GH Records (bandcamp.com)

    After long years of silence, KRASCHAU is here again with a special collection, released for the 10th anniversary of  the debut album ’Offenbarung’ to give another, maybe a final attack against the post-modern world, which is heading towards a collapse in these troublesome times. To arm KRASCHAU’s music for a new battle, each of the carefully selected tracks has been remastered from the original, raw material by the project’s creator Adam Berces to refresh their sound and to get the most out of the project’s trademark sound. The harsh noise fundaments, distorted spoken word vocals overlaid with bombastic neoclassical melodies and a huge number of obscure historical and other samples reflecting to the project’s fascination for the Old Europe of the ancient merits and true pride and various christian, mystical and conservative movements of the 20th century which kept it’s flame alive.

    Después de largos años de silencio, KRASCHAU está aquí de nuevo con una colección especial, lanzada por el décimo aniversario del álbum debut ‘Offenbarung‘ para dar otro, quizás un último ataque contra el mundo posmoderno, que se dirige hacia un colapso en estos tiempos problemáticos. Para armar la música de KRASCHAU para una nueva batalla, cada una de las pistas han sido cuidadosamente seleccionadas y remasterizadas a partir de la materia prima original por el creador del proyecto, Adam Berces, para actualizar su sonido y aprovechar al máximo el sonido característico del proyecto. Los ásperos fundamentos del ruido, las voces habladas distorsionadas superpuestas con grandilocuentes melodías neoclásicas y una gran cantidad de oscuras muestras históricas y de otro tipo que reflejan la fascinación del proyecto por la Vieja Europa de los méritos antiguos y el verdadero orgullo y varios movimientos cristianos, místicos y conservadores de la siglo XX que mantuvo viva su llama.

    Compact Disc (CD) + Spain Ensign Cruz de Borgoña Saint Andrew (150 x 90 cm). The CD contains an exclusive bonus track


    → The pre-order ends on 03/10/2022


    / / /

    Disponible en digital, vamos a fabricar SOLO PARA EL PRE-ORDER  una edición especial, que será CD + La Bandera de San Andrés (Cruz de Borgoña). Una bandera  de 150 x 90 cm

  • GH Records


    /// ESP ///

    Bandcamp eliminó estas obras en abril de 2023, eliminó todo Bandcamp de GH Records sin ninguna explicación, se eliminaron 12 años de música. A todos los que compraron la edición física o digital, muchas gracias por su apoyo.

    /// ENG ///

    Bandcamp removed these works in April 2023, removed all of Bandcamp from GH Records without any explanation, 12 years of music removed. To everyone who purchased the physical or digital edition, thank you very much for your support.

  • GH Records,  ¿Cultura?


    Tapa blanda / 100 paginas /En Español
    + CD / GH Records OAMM Nº1

    /// SOLD OUT ///

    Inmersos en plena época pestífera dónde se vislumbran en el horizonte cambios que posiblemente cambien el rumbo tanto político como social y económico de Occidente, la ingeniería social funciona a pleno rendimiento y las técnicas de control y manipulación de las masas cada vez afinan más sus formas, dónde las redes sociales prácticamente definen al nuevo hombre, Odio al Mundo Moderno pretende huir del Gran hermano y dar difusión a proyectos completamente alternativos, dar voz a opiniones disidentes y analizar desde diferentes puntos de vista el mundo ¿posmoderno?.

    Índice de contenidos:

    Vuelve el Paganismo a Europa (Gilbert Sincyr)
    Una vida más simple (Luis Navas Delgado *The Wyrm)
    Distopía, Tradición, y Mannerbünde (Gonzalo Rodríguez)
    Escuadrón de la Muerte
    El Pico de Aznaitín, Morada del Dios Netón (Daniel Salmador * Keltika Hispanna)
    En el Extremo Occidente (Carles Jiménez * Cabeza de Lobo)
    Reseñas literarias (Juan Carlos Toledo *HIEMIS)
    La Era del Vacio (Gilles Lipovetsky)
    Eurasia (Solimano Mutti)
    Justicia vs Igualdad (Miguel Sardinero)
    Terror Cognitive Dissonance
    Hastío y Fin (Josep Carles Laínez)

    Track List CD:

    1 – Post Contemporary Corporation – Madre De Diós (Martinete)
    2 – Terror Cognitive Dissonance – Immoral
    3 – Escuadron de la Muerte – Ocular Implantation of Memories
    4 – Mork Skog – Tooth and Claw (Sol Invictus)
    5 – The Wyrm – Vencer despues de morir (2021)
    6- HIEMIS-Abraxas (inedita)
    7- Moloch 11811 – Golpea dos veces con tu Martillo
    8 – GE-STELL – False Flag Practice
    9 – TSIDMZ Melodies from the Inner Earth to the Firmament feat Angel Georgiev
    10 – Kraschau – Los Últimos Días de la Democracia (By Une Foi d’Acier)

    …No busquemos respuestas entonces en la Modernidad, ni es sus cachivaches tecnológicos, discursos ideológicos, sistemas filosóficos, o idolatrías materiales. Busquemos las respuestas en la Tradición Sapiencial. Verdadero antagonista de la Modernidad y antídoto y tratamiento seguro para su sanación y superación.

    Y aquí, y para estos mal hadados tiempos del Kali Yuga, la vía que la Tradición anunció para cuándo llegará la Edad Oscura. La vía de la Mano Izquierda. Esa que convierte esta “media noche del Mundo” y “muerte de Dios”, en oportunidad para un renovado despertar. En prueba especialmente valiosa y fértil para quien esté dispuesto a “Cabalgar el Tigre” y hacer que la “bestia del fin del Mundo”, responda a sus espuelas…


  • Distribution

    Kriegsfall-U – Untitled

    Kriegsfall-U – Untitled
    Label: Ufa Muzak ‎– UFA67, MozgaloM ‎– MM011
    Format: CD, Album, Reissue
    Country: Russia
    Released: 2015
    Style: Industrial, Ambient

    / / / SOLD OUT / / /

    Originally released in 2009 as CDR via MozgaloM in limited edition of 49 copies. This reissue comes in 6panel digipak and limited to 200 copies. Also released as special box (with 420х594 мм flag and 4 postcards) limited to just 20 copies.

    I. Same Entities
    II. Faith from the Faceless Musk
    III. The Dead Bury the Dead in the Dead Ground
    IV. Rising of the Forgotten Zebaoth
    V. Multiply!
    VII. Our Living Entity
    VIII. The Damnation-River (Day by Day)

  • GH Records

    10 Years of Darkness / Neoclassical & Martial Music – KRASCHAU / ANTÍCO / DURCH HEER UND KRAFT

    Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH02 MP3
    Format: Digital Compilation
    Country: Spain
    Released: 2016
    Style: Dark Ambient, Martial, Industrial, Neo-Folk, Neo-Classic

    Kraschau was formed in 2011 January, with the intention to make high quality and lifelike symphonic martial-neoclassical sounds with self composed orchestral parts. Armed with the good and bitter experiences of the last 5 years and with his classical musical background he released a trilogy (Offenbarung, Falanx and Une Foi d’Acier) and a limited, live album and a split with the cult hungarian industrial band, Kriegsfall-U. Unlike many martial projects with popular WWII themes, Kraschau is focused on telling stories about older times from an aristocratic perspective with some influences from Christian mysticism, with bright and sublime anthems and calm, peaceful prayers…

    Antíco has started in 2007 as a medieval/neoclassical project influenced by bands like Dead can Dance. From time to time, songs were composed and finally he released an album in 2013 including mainly medieval and classical pieces and as well own neoclassical compositions.

    Durch Heer und Kraft, the precedessor of Kraschau was founded in 2008 January first as a one man band, later in the same year as a full band with live guitars, bass, blockflöte, violin and drums and thus moved towards neofolk/martial-folk from the early martial recordings. However most of the remained material was recorded alone, only a few lo-fi demos were made together. The band played live three times in Budapest,  but after two years it was disbanded and Adam decided to focus the creative energies on studio work instead of the tiring rehearsals.

    1.Kraschau – Újrarajzoljuk Európa térképét (web edit) 2013
    2.Kraschau – Egység és Rend (video edit) 2011
    3.Kraschau – ¡Pasaremos! (video edit) 2013
    4.Kraschau – Viva Cristo Rey! (early studio fragment) 2014  
    5.Kraschau – A kereszt alatt (early studio version) 2014
    6.Kraschau – MP OY (early studio version) 2014
    7.Kraschau – Egység és Rend remix (early studio version) 2013
    8.Antíco – IntroTrotto (2008)
    9.Antíco – Ein Schloß im Wald (2008)
    10.Antíco – Musette in d major, BWV Anh. 126 (2013)
    11.Antíco – Saltarello (2013)
    12.Antíco – Pat-a-pan (2013)
    13.Antíco – Im Nebel (2013)
    14.Antíco – Epilog (2013)
    15.Durch Heer Und Kraft – Quis Contra Nos (2008)
    16.Durch Heer und Kraft – Der unbekannte Soldat (2009)
    17.Durch Heer und Kraft – Mit Gott, Ohne Angst (rehearsal)
    18.Durch Heer Und Kraft – Inside The Warmachine (2008)
    19.Durch Heer Und Kraft – Elindultam…(2008)
    20.Adam Berces – Op. 3. (2007)

    Buy:  5,5 €  https://gradualhaterecords.bandcamp.com/album/10-years-of-darkness-neoclassical-martial-music

    Payment methods:

  • GH Records

    Adam Berces – Posztapokaliptikus Almanach

    Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition, Numbered, Red Translucent
    Country: Spain
    Released: 26 Mar 2014
    Style: Minimal, Darkwave, Electro, Synth-pop

    Adam Berces (Kraschau) is a musician of Cold Minimal Electronics from Hungary.
    Post-apocalyptic synth wave music. Rigid, decadent, but somehow still lightsome sounds from the periphery of our fragmented society.

    Gear used: Yamaha SHS-10, Yamaha FB-01, Casio VL-1, Commodore Plus/4, BOSS SE-50 vocoder, Roland TR-606, 707 & 808 (sampled), KORG MS-20 & Polysix Legacy.

    Limited Edition LP pressed in 140gram red transparent vinyl of 210 hand numered copies.

    Includes picture inner bag with biography and lyrics.
    Includes download coupon of 13 tracks (full album).

    Buy: 17 € http://www.gh-records.com/570-adam-berces-posztapokaliptikus-almanach.html

    Payment methods:
    Pay by bankwire
    Pay whith cash on delivery (COD)