Harvest Rain – Nightwave
Label: OPN – OPNCD0029
Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition
Country: France
Genre: Rock, Folk, World, & Country
Style: Lo-Fi, Folk
From the Hallways of the Night, Into the Windows of Your Eyes.
For these Autumnal, Winter, Pre-Vernal Sessions (October 2014 – March 2015)
Harvest Rain were: Jason Thompkins, Amanda Votta, Derek Lown
and special guest Joseph Pyne on “Weightless.”
The Path, like untamed fruit, is rotten, withered, decayed and deceased. Like a bloated body left out in the open sun. The fruit ferments. That is to say, it decays even further. It decays so deeply in the thick black weathered swamp. When it reaches it’s nadir it sizzles, glows, illuminates and takes flight. It becomes Will-o-the-Whisp, the Ghost Lights, the Haunting Messenger calling You away from the Path. Such is the Path of some Men and Women. It’ll take time spent with the most withered of Mankind’s Tree, at it’s Roots to truly be able to comprehend and fully enjoy that Trees Fruits.
For there is nothing in this world more beautiful than the moment, when a human soul, has been shredded, crucified endlessly, tormented, driven insane, beat and spat upon, torn into a trillion pieces, and all of this alone with no one to share or to know of it and to then be made anew, to receive the Consolumentum and and brought back together, whole, complete, absolute, Resurrected. Could there possibly be anything more beautiful?
Yes. I am one of the few who survived that Path. By the Absolute Loyalty of Divine Love. “She” in the flesh. “Her” footsteps are real, now and forever. For that is Her breath with mine in the Muse-ic of this album. The Serpent swallowed it’s Tail. The Final Test. The Final Turn of the Wheel. There will be no more. For, behold! It is Done!
Jason Thompkins
Harvest Rain woud like to thank : Amanda, Guy, Claire, Brian, Joe, Karl, Franz, Alexander and Kala. To OPN for being there.
Limited Edition of 300 copies.
Buy: http://gh-records.com/noise/1914-harvest-rain-nightwave.html