Mare di Dirac – Ophite Diagram Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH 142 TAPE Format: Cassette Limited Edition Country: Spain Released: 02 Dec 2019 Style: Experimental, Ritual
INCLUDES DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
The term Ophite derived from the Greek Ophis = Serpent.
«An initiate must transcend this inherently earth, and move beyond. Armed with formulae s/he next walks freely through the gates, the barrier is behind them. Between the trees of knowledge they cross the circles; the yellow and blue. A little further beyond the void, and through life, to be surrounded by love. Here is the culmination of the journey, a few more steps and they are in; at Home.»
Collaborators on this album:
Mauro Sambo: Gongs, Clarinet (track 1) Riccardo la Foresta: Drummophone (track 2 & 3) Daniele De Santis: Prepared Drums (track 5) Federico Dal Pozzo: Cymbals and granulation (track 7) ?Alos (OvO): Voice and flute (track 8)
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Barbarossa Umtrunk – Distant Shores Of Aryanem Vaejah ( Tribute to Miguel Serrano ) Special Edition PRE – ORDER / OUT OCTOBER 2024 – IMPORTANT, ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH 156 SP Format: Special Edition: Pyrographed, aged and hand-painted wooden box, T-shirt, Sticker + Postcard + Cassette, Album, Limited Edition 50 Copies + CD Digipak Style: Neofolk, Military, Industrial, Ambient, Martial Industrial
The album Distant Shores of Airayanem Vaejah (Hvareno de Huaiyuhén: The Green Thunderbolt) is a tribute to Miguel Serrano which brings together the respective parts that Barbarossa Umtrunk had previously delivered in memory of the last of the Troubadours and ultime prophet of «Esoteric Hitlerism» on Distant Shores of Hvetramannaland (2011) & Airyanem Vaejah (2015), two now sold-out splits which were undertaken with Dronerune (side-project of Kazeria) and Saturn Form Essence (side-project of Moloch). As a bonus, two tracks from Agarthi (2010) and Regnum Sanctum (2008) are included. The whole thing has been completely remastered by Sol. M. (T.S.I.D.M.Z) at Tetsuo Studio in Spring 2024.
Mon prochain album de Barbarossa Umtrunk «Distant Shores of Airayanem Vaejah (Hvareno de Huaiyuhén : The Green Thunderbolt)» sortira prochainement sur GH Records, c’est un hommage à Miguel Serrano qui regroupe les parties respectives que Barbarossa Umtrunk avait préalablemet livré en souvenir du dernier des Troubadours sur Distant Shores of Hvetramannaland (2011) & Airyanem Vaejah (2015), deux splits aujourd’hui sold-out qui furent entrepris avec Dronerune (side-project de Kazeria) pour le premier puis Saturn Form Essence (side-project de Moloch) pour le second. En bonus seront inclus deux morceaux tirés de Agarthi (2010) et Regnum Sanctum (2008). L’ensemble a été entièrement remasterisé par Sol. Mutti (T.S.I.D.M.Z) à Tetsuo Studio au Printemps 2024. L’artwork sera l’oeuvre de Mael Hyno et l’album sera disponible sous deux formats : CD et K7. Les compos naviguent entre military-pop, post-industrial, ambient-ritual et des parties plus martiales/orchestrales délivrant des climats hyperboréens qui nous transportent de la Terre Creuse à Shambhala via l’Ultima Thule.
The Wyrm – Muertos Label: GH Records – GH 152 K7 Format: Cassette, Album Country: Spain Released: Mar 25, 2022 Style: Darkwave, Electro, EBM, New Wave, Synthwave, Minimal
The Wyrm brings this post-pandemic year 2022 its latest work entitled Muertos. Dark, cold and minimalist tints very much in the vein of bands like Cabaret Nocturne or Boy Harsher to stand out from a scene that died in the pandemic. Muertos is a song to the dead who have not been. Those that we have seen only on television and that are just figures. Virtual and nameless. So are the songs of this new work. without titles and direct from the sewers.
The Wyrm apporte cette année post-pandémique 2022 son dernier ouvrage intitulé Muertos. Des teintes sombres, froides et minimalistes très dans la veine de groupes comme Cabaret Nocturne ou Boy Harsher pour se démarquer d’une scène morte dans la pandémie. Muertos est une chanson aux morts qui n’ont pas été. Celles que nous n’avons vues qu’à la télévision et qui ne sont que des chiffres. Virtuel et sans nom. Ainsi sont les chansons de ce nouveau travail. sans titres et direct des égouts