• Cassette,  CD,  Distribution,  GH Records

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Distant Shores Of Aryanem Vaejah ( Tribute to Miguel Serrano )

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Distant Shores Of Aryanem Vaejah ( Tribute to Miguel Serrano ) Special Edition
    Label: Gradual Hate Records – GH 156 SP
    Format: Special Edition: Pyrographed, aged and hand-painted wooden box, T-shirt, Sticker + Postcard + Cassette, Album, Limited Edition 50 Copies + CD Digipak
    Style: Neofolk, Military, Industrial, Ambient, Martial Industrial

    Barbarossa Umtrunk – Distant Shores Of Aryanem Vaeja ( Tribute to Migu – GH Records

    The album Distant Shores of Airayanem Vaejah (Hvareno de Huaiyuhén: The Green Thunderbolt) is a tribute to Miguel Serrano which brings together the respective parts that Barbarossa Umtrunk had previously delivered in memory of the last of the Troubadours and ultime prophet of «Esoteric Hitlerism» on Distant Shores of Hvetramannaland (2011) & Airyanem Vaejah (2015), two now sold-out splits which were undertaken with Dronerune (side-project of Kazeria) and Saturn Form Essence (side-project of Moloch). As a bonus, two tracks from Agarthi (2010) and Regnum Sanctum (2008) are included. The whole thing has been completely remastered by Sol. M. (T.S.I.D.M.Z) at Tetsuo Studio in Spring 2024.

    Mon prochain album de Barbarossa Umtrunk «Distant Shores of Airayanem Vaejah (Hvareno de Huaiyuhén : The Green Thunderbolt)» sortira prochainement sur GH Records, c’est un hommage à Miguel Serrano qui regroupe les parties respectives que Barbarossa Umtrunk avait préalablemet livré en souvenir du dernier des Troubadours sur Distant Shores of Hvetramannaland (2011) & Airyanem Vaejah (2015), deux splits aujourd’hui sold-out qui furent entrepris avec Dronerune (side-project de Kazeria) pour le premier puis Saturn Form Essence (side-project de Moloch) pour le second. En bonus seront inclus deux morceaux tirés de Agarthi (2010) et Regnum Sanctum (2008). L’ensemble a été entièrement remasterisé par Sol. Mutti (T.S.I.D.M.Z) à Tetsuo Studio au Printemps 2024. L’artwork sera l’oeuvre de Mael Hyno et l’album sera disponible sous deux formats : CD et K7. Les compos naviguent entre military-pop, post-industrial, ambient-ritual et des parties plus martiales/orchestrales délivrant des climats hyperboréens qui nous transportent de la Terre Creuse à Shambhala via l’Ultima Thule.

  • Distribution,  Vinyl

    King Dude – Death (Vinyl, 12, White)

    King Dude – Death (Vinyl, 12, White)
    Label: Ván – Van355v
    Format: Vinyl, 12″, 33 ⅓ RPM, Album, Limited Edition, Stereo, White Vinyl
    Country: Germany & Switzerland
    Released: Sep 16, 2022
    Style: Neofolk, Psychedelic Rock

    Full-colored gatefold jacket with cut-out, inside-out print and UV lacquer
    Flooded black inside
    2-sided DIN A2 poster
    Insert with illustrations and UV lacquer
    Download insert
    Poly-lined inner-sleeve
    White vinyl
    Plastic protection sleeve

    I’ve always planned on ending King Dude with Death.
    started out writing and recording these songs in my bedroom with no intention of anyone other than my roommates hearing them. I certainly didn’t plan on releasing ten albums. Shortly after my first the success of my two EPs I knew that King Dude had the potential to become a problem for me. I worried the meager success I was experiencing could end up luring me into the trap of making King Dude records for the rest of my life.
    So in order to avoid that fate I planned out the rest of every King Dude album from that point on, ultimately deciding that four of the records should work as companions pieces to one another. Those four albums are Love, Fear, Sex and now finally Death. So as you can clearly see I’ve already made up my mind in this matter. Ten years ago. And there’s nothing I can do to change it without lying to myself about what my life is. Death fulfills the pact I made with my former self and sets me free from acts of repetition and stagnation.
    It’s a necessary, beautiful thing.

  • Distribution,  Vinyl

    Lume (Eloy Platas) ‎– Faino Ti Mesmo

    Lume (Eloy Platas) ‎– Faino Ti Mesmo
    Label: Ferror Records ‎– FR-016, Batir Records ‎– BR-06, Contubernio Records ‎– CRLP125, Lusco e Fusco ‎– FF02
    Format: Vinyl, LP
    Country: Spain
    Released: 2019
    Style: Experimental, Ambient


    Lume es tradición musical gallega en pleno siglo XXI.
    Desde el absoluto respeto a los originales pero basándose en métodos electroacústicos, electricidad y ruido, Lume es un pequeño repaso a las canciones que pasaron de generación en generación dentro de la cultura del noroeste peninsular en los últimos siglos. De forma hipnótica, influenciada por el drone, el ruidismo y otras músicas de carácter experimental, Lume invita al oyente a conocer las canciones y piezas de toda la vida interpretadas de forma no convencional.

    Compuesto, arreglado e interpretado por Eloy Platas.
    Grabado en los estudios T-37 por Eduardo N’gongo.
    Mezclado en los estudios Linneo 2 por Eloy Platas.
    Mastrizado en los estudios Sonoplan por Ángel Álvarez.


    Lume é tradición musical galega en pleno século XXI.
    Dende o absoluto respeto ós orixinais pero baseándose en métodos electroacústicos, electricidade e ruido, Lume é un pequeno repaso ás cancións que pasaron de xeración en xeración dentro da cultura do noroeste peninsular nos últimos séculos. Cun xeitohipnótico, influenciado polo drone, o ruidismo e outras músicas de carácter experimental, Lume convida o ouvinte a coñecer as cancións e pezas de toda a vida interpretadas dunha forma non convencional.

    Composto, arranxado e interpretado por Eloy Platas.
    Gravado nos estudios T-37 por Eduardo N’gongo.
    Misturado nos estudios Linneo 2 por Eloy Platas.
    Masterizado nos estudios Sonoplan por Ángel Álvarez.


    Lume is Galician musical tradition right in the XXI century.
    With an absolute respect to the originals but based on electroacustic methods, electricity and noise, Lume is a short summary of songs that went from generation to generation in the northwest peninsular culture over the last centuries. In a hiptonic way, influenced by drone, noisism and other experimental music forms, Lume invites the listener to get to know these songs and all time pieces interpreted in a non conventional way.

    Composed, arranged and performed by Eloy Platas.
    Recorded at T-37 studios by Eduardo N’gongo.
    Mixed at Linneo 2 studios by Eloy Platas.
    Mastered at Sonoplan studios by Ángel Álvarez.