Grassa Dato is an experimental Noise music project created by the multifaceted artist Zylon Sentiounaut (Abductores, WE ARE THE HUNTERS , Gur Bruo) in 2011. Their sound is a combination of industrial sounds with Experimental and noise.
During World War II, German scientists and occultists, in their quest for perfection, developed a substance capable of creating a mystical metamorphosis in men and enhance their human condition. A key to get in tune with the gods and achieve a higher level of existence. With the fall of Germany after an atomic bomb that razed the entire country and its empire, the substance called FUTHARK 5 fell in the hands of a secret society whose apology was the mind control and decay. This sect used the substance and its effects as an instrument to extinction. After one of these experiments, one of his guinea pigs escaped, developing the original effects of the substance, passing to another dimensional plane and posing a threat to the organized chaos.
Estigmas + La Glorificación del Icono Traumatico is a cult film, a philosophical thriller, GH Records rescues from oblivion with image enhancements and new songs to the soundtrack.
In the original motion picture we can find bands such as: Death in June or The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud, even though they appeared in the original soundtrack of the film, finally they’ve been not included in the publication of the B.S.O. …A Film Cult.
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, científicos y Ocultistas Alemanes, en su búsqueda por la perfección, desarrollaron una substancia capaz de crear una metamorfosis mística en el hombre y realzar su condición humana. Una llave para entrar en sintonía con los dioses y alcanzar un nivel superior de existencia. Con la caída de Alemania tras una bomba atómica que arraso todo el país y su imperio, la substancia denominada FUTHARK 5, cayó en manos se una sociedad oculta cuya apología era el control de la mente y la decadencia. Esta Secta utilizó la sustancia y sus efectos como un instrumento para la extinción. Tras uno de estos experimentos, uno de sus cobayas logró escapar, desarrollando los efectos originales de la sustancia, pasando aso a otro plano dimensional y suponiendo una amenaza para el caos organizado.
ESTIGMAS es un thriller filosófico por así decirlo que sitúa al hombre en su estado más primitivo, todo transcurre durante una ecatombe nuclear a mitades de siglo. Supuestamente una sociedad oculta ha permanecido bajo tierra con una extraña substancia en su poder y ahora opera con ella en ese panorama hasta que un producto de sus experimentos escapa y desarrolla unos niveles superiores de existencia, lo que es una amenaza para todos.
Una película de culto que GH Records en Co-producción con el sello discográfico argentino Twilight Records rescatada del olvido con mejoras de imagen y nuevas canciones en la banda sonora. Edición limitada CD + DVD.
El DVD contiene: Estigmas, con una nueva versión del director y el cortometraje: La Glorificación del Icono Traumatico
El CD contiene la banda sonora original y un homenaje musica al film: Protagonist, Puissance-Official, In Slaughter Natives, The True Mayhem, Der Blutharsch + Turnavel, Suveräna, Kazeria, Silent Love Of Death, Hyperborei.
As events continue to evolve and magnify the obvious overreach of U.S. and its allies’ influence in world affairs under the guise of the protection of democracy and freedom, the pompous lies and half-truths told by the politicians are beginning to unravel. Not that these events are new, but rather that the insidious nature of them are finally coming to light. This behavior of governmental conspiracies has a long history and has been utilized to retain control over the masses while furthering the globalization of power and wealth. As the U.S. and its conspirators has spread “democracy” to the rest of the world, so has it spread economic and social corruption.
Sanctimonium, the new album from Epoch, weaves the lies and half-truths into a sonic assault on those who seek to control us through manipulation. Epoch’s post-industrial militaristic machine music takes a harsher tone this time, bringing more aggressive and distorted guitars into the mix, while continuing the sound established on the previous album, Purity & Revolution.
Epoch further explores the rise and fall of western dominance with songs such as the monumental track The Rise, or the grungy, swirling overdriven guitar track, All Heil the Chief. On Cold Wave, Cold War and Information is Power (NSA Ultra Mix) Epoch reveals the Orwellian transgressions that have occurred and sanctioned by our leaders. With the harsh track Disciples of Mars, Epoch blends even more EBM based electronics into the forefront of its sound. Along with overarching symphonics, Epoch achieves yet another album of blended industrial styles, while retaining its militaristic identity.
Sanctimonium comes in a limited edition of 100 hand numbered copies featuring a 6-panel didgiwallet.
Sanctimonium Track List:
The Rise Staatkunst Cold Wave Cold War Sisciples of Mars All Heil The Chief Information Is Power [NSA Ultra Mix] The Fall Sanctimonium