Day Before Us ‎– Nihil Interit

Day Before Us ‎– Nihil Interit
Label: Rage In Eden ‎– RAGE114
Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition
Country: Poland
Released: 01 Dec 2016
Style: Dark Ambient, Modern Classical, Darkwave, Experimental   


Day Before Us is an ethereal and dark ambient music act formed by Philippe Blache and whose trajectory has involved working across lyrical sound poetry and scores for art events as well as film experiments. The project is notably recognized for its releases published by Rage in Eden, Twilight Records and Opn Records. The emotional content of this new album emphasizes moments of blurry sadness, intimacy, sacrality and evocativeness while the stylistical shape carries on a musical dynamic between atmospheric sound minimalism, brightly devotional then classical singing qualities, orchestrally cinematic harmonies and brooding tones…

Otros trabajos de Day Before Us / Other references →

→ Day Before Us ‎– Ode A La Nuit D’Ombre
Day Before Us ‎– Adorned path of Stillness
→ Day Before Us – Misty Shroud Of Regrets
→ Day Before Us ‎– Prélude à l’âme d’élégie
→ The Ever Sounding Sea Of Grief by Philippe Blache
→ Antikatechon ‎– I Feel Nothing But Repulsion
→ Day Before Us / Nimh – Under Mournful Horizons

Philippe Blache – Tristitiam Et Metus Tradam Portare Ventis